Kobuk, Sit!
Its been a pretty great week here in Nome! Last Thursday evening brought Emily here to visit us. She was supposed to come in Thursday moring, but one of the flights from Anchorage to Nome got cancelled so she got to spend some time in the state’s largest city. Its kind of funny being here in Nome for 8 or so months now because I’ve got the Alaska Airlines flight schedule memorized….the same three flights each day. So depending on when someone comes into Nome, I can pretty much tell what flight you’re on or vis-versa. It fun having Emily in town but with all of our visitors we keep finding ourselves making sure that we are having a unique experience with each person, especially two weekends in a row.
Josh’s Daylight-o-meter OR How much light will it take to drive the Rogers insane??
Today, May 25th 2005 – The sun rose at 5:03am and will set at 12:54am for a total of 19 hours and 51 minutes of daylight!
For the past few weeks Lydia has been scouting out dogs over at the animal shelter. We knew that we aren’t supposed to have pets in radio station housing but as a life long pet lover, Lydia couldn’t help herself. We asked the manager if we could get a dog that stayed outside and he thought that it shouldn’t be a problem. After some debating and doggie elimination, we picked a pooch that we both really like. After building a doghouse, making a tiedown, and a pet naming webpoll…we were ready for the new pet. His name is Kobuk, we really liked “Brando” which is what the web audience suggested…but the more we thought about it, the more we wanted an Alaskan name for our Alaskan Dog. Kobuk is a river just north of here, and the Kobuk 440 is one of the smaller dog sled races. We’ve been having fun training, walking, and poop scooping.
Tomorrow morning I’m heading down to Anchorage to spend the weekend with Neil and Jamie. Neil has been working at the radio station for almost 2 years now and is headed back home to Iowa. We are planning a trip down to Seward, and up to Denali….it should be pretty fun, stay tuned as I’ll try and journal as the trip goes on.
I will call your dog “Brando” anyway.
Kubuk Brando Rogers has a nice ring!
Love, Mom (Susan)
Remembering Memorial Day | northslope.net (May 28, 2010, 7:38 pm).
[…] us an amazing year in Nome, and then brought us back to Cascades to work and live. We’ve gotten dogs, moved into houses and trailers, and Lydia’s went back to school and received her master’s. […]