DC – Day Two

119th Jan 2005blog entries, nome., travel

Well, I think I’ll have to make this another quick blog, Its almost 11 again and we have to get up even earlier tomorrow than we did this morning.

It was another great day in DC, we got about two inches of snow, and it was pretty cold. Hopefully things will clear up tomorrow so we can see the president. I picked up my tickets this morning and are hoping they will be amazing. Apparently tickets this close are pretty hard to come by, so thats a good sign.

We did some more sight seeing today, we started with the Museum of Natural History, and then went on to the American History Museum. We did lots of walking to all these places, and by the time we had finished the second Museum it was past three o’clock. We headed back to my Aunt Chris’ office building and hung out there until my next big plan.

Most of this trip, I’ve been attempting to find cool stuff to talk about on the radio, both via cell phone live from DC, but also in a series of reports that I’m planning for when I get back. I called into the station for the morning show while we were having lunch (now I’m using that time difference to my advantage! Normally I can’t stand not being able to get a hold of people out here during my Nome work afternoon!). On the AM with Lon, I read some history about the inauguration that I had found in a brochure, and gave a synopsis of the dinner the evening before. I also spoke with Neil and the Major on the FM show before that and just told them what was going on out here.

Recording wise I had planned on interviewing a few of the Alaska representatives. My first interview was with Senator Lisa Murkowski whom I have spoken with and interviewed on the phone before. I went over to her office around 5pm and had a nice long 25 minute recorded conversation with her. While I was there and being introduced to some of her staffers, Alaska’s Lieutenant Governor stopped by and when he found out that I was with KICY, offered an interview/sound bytes. Despite the disgust from the Murkowski people at such a lame publicity attempt, I took him up on his offer.

Not to shabby for a first year reporter. Friday I’ve got a small press conference scheduled with one of the most powerful men in Washington, Alaska Senator Ted Stephens. He’s got lots of seniority and it will be a great honor to interview him.

Tomorrow is the big day we are headed in at 7:30, I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures!!!

1 Comment Comments Feed

  1. extraordinary… » He’s Alive!! (January 19, 2006, 12:41 pm).

    […] It was on January 18th last year that we few into WADC on another red-eye flight and then took a nap in a Senate parking garage, before going to a black tie dinner at the library of congress, and it was one year ago today that got to interview a US Senator in her office. That was an amazing trip we had….and while I know this one won’t be filled with meeting dignitaries and viewing a president get sworn into office, we’re still excited to be here and spend some quality time with some really good friends and our family. […]

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