off road, baby!
What a busy week!
I don’t like to go this far in between posts…but its not the first time. So, what is was interesting about this past week? It was pretty routine….however it is getting pretty cold, but I think we can continue adjusting. A few mornings as I read the weather current conditions, I have to do a double take at there just being only one digit in the temperature! 8! It can’t be just…8!
Today I finally got our 4-Wheeler! Before we left Kent, we got a secret donation from someone, solely for the purpose of purchasing a 4wheeler. We will use it while we are here, and then leave it with the station. I’m very excited! We got a Polaris 2004 Magnum 330, it was used.. but only as a rental over the last part of the summer. It was a bit more than what we had to spend, but were able to trade with the dealer for advertising!
Tonight we went over to the Weidlers for staff movie night, Neil got to pick this time. We watched “What about Bob?”, and it was super funny! Tomorrow is church, and because it is the first Sunday of the week, not only is it communion, but it is also the monthly after church potluck…should be fun.
I’ve just also posted our experiences on election day below.
Nicole will be glad to know you got a polaris… She probably knows the dudes who put it together. You be careful out there.